About this Project

This project began as part of a Masters Degree project in Library and Information Science (MSLIS), for the Cultural Heritage Informatics course at Kent State University. I will continue to add or edit content when needed and when time allows. The original website was created on Wix. It contained examples of work records, image records, name and place authority files created using Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO) which is a data content standard used for creating shareable metadata. These are not available on the current website as yet. If you would like to see these records please email me at eanygard@gmail.com.

The history of the fountain is by no means complete and I encourage others to contact me with stories I can add!

To view more information about me and other projects I am working on go to http://www.erikanygard.com

Copyright Information

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The contents of this site is made in the spirit of sharing. You are free to share and reuse the contents of this website, especially for educational purposes, and to pass on historical and cultural knowledge. I do not own the rights to all the images on this website and therefore cannot give permission for you to use them. Care has been taken to respect and attribute any materials not belonging to me or copyrighted. If you find any materials being incorrectly attributed or breaking copyright please contact me at eanygard@gmail.com

Thank you

I would like to thank all the people who helped me with researching this project, and for sharing your stories. Keep them coming! Thank you so much Arland G. Day Jr. for your time and sharing your wealth of knowledge of Warwick history, and Fredericka H. Fellows for providing me that information and spending time looking for it. Thank you Martha Morse for showing me that really cool water trough, Larry Carey for sharing his poetry and stories about Warwick, and the dedicated members of the Warwick Historical Society for taking such interest in this project and helping me out! Huge recognition must be given to Ed Lemon for all the hours, weeks, years he has put into digitalizing the items of the Warwick Historical Society and creating websites for the town. Providing this resources for others to gain access to the society's collection is incalculably valuable.